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What is the father above saying?

I was lead by God to create a page where i could openly share my gifts with others and they can do the same. I wanted a place to give out wisdom and advice and just thoughts in general about what God is saying to our generation.  I also wanted to create a safe platform for all those seeking prayer, a prophetic word, or guidance without judgement.  I love helping others cultivate there relationship with our heavenly father. It gives me great joy to see people find there way in a often hurtful and aggressive society. All ages, backgounds and cultures are welcome we are all Gods children & apart of his kingdom. Let me be your guide. Lets get started!

Home: Feel The Love

My New Published Book

Finally my 1st book as a published author is complete. If you have experienced trauma this book is a must read. I was extremely...

Declare, Decree...

In this season you must reach out and claim everything you know to be rightfully yours. No more sitting around wait6for others to give...

Season of Manifestation

The start of 2021 is at a huge take off. Everything happening in the capital and various world events internationally have created...

Do you trust Him?

We often face so many things daily that pull us down and stress us out. Often we ask for help but never get it, we pray for change but...

Forgiveness is a mindset...

Its very difficult to give forgiveness to someone who you feel is not worthy of it. They hurt you so badly that they didnt seem to care...

Whats Great About Prayer

Everyday is filled with ups and downs. All we want is a way to escape it. All we need is a open door or place to run from it. Truth is we...

Home: Deep Thoughts Blog

My Journey to My Truth....

At the young age of 8 I realized I wasnt like other little girls. I had the ability to know, sense, feel, and see things that others could not. My mother said it came from my families lineage and that I was one of many prophetically gifted folks in my family. It wasnt easy walking around with such unique and to me strange giftings.  I often questioned God why me? As i grew older the more intense it became and the more I ran from this ability. I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted to be normal if you will. However God had other plans. I always stayed in church even when i strayed away from its safety. I had my fun out in the world drinking, having  sex, partying, running with gang members and criminal figures, living a fast life even when i didnt want too. Survival was always my reasoning. I definitely was a wildflower growing wild. I had been in abusive relationships and had went through homelessness with my family and even huge bouts of deep depression were I considered suicide many times. I even was mad at God for my molestation when i was young and the gang rape I experienced when I was 17. If God loved me so much why let me go through all this hell. But one night in a vision when I was about 24 or 25 the Lord showed me a reality I had not yet faced. A angel came and visited me and told me either I could live for God or I could die in my sin. Then the angel proceeded to take me to see my very real future. First I went to what I know had to be hell it was horrible it smelled like death and rotten flesh and sulfer burning, I could feel the heat in the hole I thought my skin would melt or i would die from all the screams I heard it was terrifying.  I begged the angel to not take me any further down the tunnel. I didnt want to even consider what was at the end of it. Then suddenly I was in heaven. It was beautiful it was like a garden i had never seen before. Colors I had never witnessed and a spirit of joy, harmony and happiness and worhship flowed through the air. The angel lead me to the gates and there stood my grandmother Annie Lee who in life I had  loved so deeply. She signaled for me to join her and as I got closer and closer to my happiest moment the angel grabbed my arm, and boom I was back in my room. The angel asked me " you have a calling and you know you need to walk in it, cleanse yourself and give yourself to God or hell shall be your portion,  chose this day who you will serve...will you live for God or die for the devil..." and just like that the angel was gone and I woke up a different person. That night I knew I had to follow Gods voice and get my life together.  I had to live and die for God. All my ridiculous decisions and actions had to stop. Thats were my journey into ministry began. I became celibate and determined to wait for a husband as God had promised me. And I  dedicated my life to going after Gods mission and not my own. My gifts belonged to Gods people. I didnt want to let them down now Years later now at 40 years young I walk happily in my calling and help other leaders and people of God on their journeys of self discovery.  I want to see the people of God healed, delivered, and set free from all bondage. I realized I had a strong call in prophetic, deliverance,  healing, Intercession,  and outreach and evangelical ministries. All I want is for God to use me up. I created this page as a platform to share knowledge, wisdom, prophetic word, and healing vibes for those who seek it. Something brought you here lets see what that is...let me be a blessing to you in some already blessed me by reading this....let's see what God has in store...time to share my prophetic voice!!!!!!
Malandie "Chynadahl "W.
Below i have shared links to my personal page and the ministry page of Prophet Elliot Todd Williams,  who I am a IMPACTOR and Ambassador in his ministry team please follow both pages and receive a powerful word there as well. I'm also apart of Word of Truth ministry were I serve on intercession ministry and mentor leaders. There are other platforms I am apart of in ministry and can not wait to share them with each of you. So excited to share all God has shared with me.

Home: My Journey

"Without courage,  it's not possible to practice any other virtue with consistency"


Maya Angelou 

Home: Words of Wisdom

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